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Configuration File

The configuration yaml file controls various settings on how the source files are generated. The default configuration file name is generation.yml.


The configuration file support self referencing variables. Variables are case insensitive. See reference below for usage.


# project section -  Used for shared variables through out the configuration file
  # the root namespace for the project
  namespace: 'Company.{Database.Name}'
  # the root directory for the project
  directory: .\
  # output should support nullable reference types
  nullable: true
  # use file scoped namespaces
  fileScopedNamespace: true
# data section -  Used for configuring database connections
  # the connection string to the database
  connectionString: 'Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=Tracker;Integrated Security=True'
  # the database provider name.  Default: SqlServer
  provider: SqlServer|PostgreSQL|MySQL|Sqlite

  # config name to read the connection string from the user secrets file
  connectionName: 'ConnectionStrings:Generator'
  # the user secret identifier, can be shared with .net core project
  userSecretsId: '984ef0cf-2b22-4fd1-876d-e01499da4c1f'

  # tables to include or empty to include all
    - Priority
    - Status
    - Task
    - User

  # schemas to include or empty to include all
    - dbo

  # list of expressions for tables to exclude, source is Schema.TableName
    - exact: dbo.SchemaVersions
    - regex: dbo\.SchemaVersions$

  # table naming hint for how existing tables are named.  Default: Singular
  tableNaming: Mixed|Plural|Singular

# data section - controls the generated files for Entity Framework
  # data context file configuration
    name: '{Database.Name}Context'          # the data context class name
    baseClass: DbContext                    # the data context base class name
    namespace: '{Project.Namespace}.Data'   # the data context namespace
    directory: '{Project.Directory}\Data'   # the data context output directory

    # how to generate names for the DbSet properties on the data context.  Default: Plural
    propertyNaming: Preserve|Plural|Suffix
    #include XML documentation
    document: false

  # entity class file configuration
    namespace: '{Project.Namespace}.Data.Entities'  # the entity class namespace
    directory: '{Project.Directory}\Data\Entities'  # the entity class output directory

    # how to generate entity class names from the table name.  Default: Singular
    entityNaming: Preserve|Plural|Singular

    # how to generate relationship collections names for the entity.  Default: Plural
    relationshipNaming: Preserve|Plural|Suffix
    #include XML documentation
    document: false
    #include mapping attributes on the entity classes
    mappingAttributes: true
    # Generate class names with prefixed schema name eg. dbo.MyTable = DboMyTable
    prefixWithSchemaName: false

    # Rename entities and properties with regular expressions
      # list of regular expressions to clean entity names
        - ^(sp|tbl|udf|vw)_

      # list of regular expressions to clean property names
        - ^{Table.Name}(?=Id|Name)

  # mapping class file configuration
    namespace: '{Project.Namespace}.Data.Mapping'   # the mapping class namespace
    directory: '{Project.Directory}\Data\Mapping'   # the mapping class output directory
    #include XML documentation
    document: false

    temporal: false                                 # if temporal table mapping is enabled. Default true
    rowVersion: ByteArray|Long|ULong                # How row versions should be mapped. Default ByteArray

  # query extension class file configuration
    generate: true          # generate query extension class files
    indexPrefix: By         # Prefix for queries built from an index
    uniquePrefix: GetBy     # Prefix for queries built from unique indexes
    namespace: '{Project.Namespace}.Data.Queries'   # the mapping class namespace
    directory: '{Project.Directory}\Data\Queries'   # the mapping class output directory
    #include XML documentation
    document: false

# model section - controls the optional view model generation
  # shared options between read, create and update models
    namespace: '{Project.Namespace}.Domain.Models' # the model class namespace
    directory: '{Project.Directory}\Domain\Models' # the mapping class output directory
    # regular expression of entities and properties to exclude in all models
      # list of regular expressions of entity names
        - 'EmailDelivery'
        - 'UserLogin'

      # list of regular expressions of property names, source is Entity.Property
        - 'User\.PasswordHash$'
        - 'User\.ResetHash$'

  # read view model class configuration
    generate: true                  # generate read model class files
    name: '{Entity.Name}ReadModel'  # the read model class name
    baseClass: EntityReadModel      # the read model base class
    namespace: '{Project.Namespace}.Domain.Models'
    directory: '{Project.Directory}\Domain\Models'
      entities: []
      properties: []

  # create view model class configuration
    generate: true                      # generate create model class files
    name: '{Entity.Name}CreateModel'    # the create model class name
    baseClass: EntityCreateModel        # the create model base class
    namespace: '{Project.Namespace}.Domain.Models'
    directory: '{Project.Directory}\Domain\Models'
      entities: []
      properties: []

  # update view model class configuration
    generate: true                      # generate update model class files
    name: '{Entity.Name}UpdateModel'    # the update model class name
    baseClass: EntityUpdateModel        # the update model base class
    namespace: '{Project.Namespace}.Domain.Models'
    directory: '{Project.Directory}\Domain\Models'
      entities: []
      properties: []

  # AutoMapper class configuration
    generate: true
    name: '{Entity.Name}Profile'
    baseClass: Profile
    namespace: '{Project.Namespace}.Domain.Mapping'
    directory: '{Project.Directory}\Domain\Mapping'

  # FluentValidation class configuration
    generate: true
    name: '{Model.Name}Validator'
    baseClass: 'AbstractValidator<{Model.Name}>'
    namespace: '{Project.Namespace}.Domain.Validation'
    directory: '{Project.Directory}\Domain\Validation'
# script templates
  # collection script template with EntityContext as a variable
    - templatePath: '.\templates\context.csx'          # path to script file
      fileName: 'ContextScript.cs'                     # filename to save script output
      directory: '{Project.Directory}\Domain\Context'  # directory to save script output
      namespace: '{Project.Namespace}.Domain.Context'  
      baseClass: ContextScriptBase
      overwrite: true                                  # overwrite existing file
      merge: true                                      # merge regions with existing file
  # collection of script template with current Entity as a variable
    - templatePath: '.\templates\entity.csx'           # path to script file
      fileName: '{Entity.Name}Script.cs'               # filename to save script output
      directory: '{Project.Directory}\Domain\Entity'   # directory to save script output
      namespace: '{Project.Namespace}.Domain.Entity'  
      baseClass: EntityScriptBase
      overwrite: true                                  # overwrite existing file
      merge: true                                      # merge regions with existing file
  # collection script template with current Model as a variable
    - templatePath: '.\templates\model.csx'            # path to script file
      fileName: '{Model.Name}Script.cs'                # filename to save script output
      directory: '{Project.Directory}\Domain\Models'   # directory to save script output
      namespace: '{Project.Namespace}.Domain.Models'  
      baseClass: ModelScriptBase
      overwrite: true                                  # overwrite existing file
      merge: true                                      # merge regions with existing file
    - templatePath: '.\templates\sample.csx'           # path to script file
      fileName: '{Model.Name}Sample.cs'                # filename to save script output
      directory: '{Project.Directory}\Domain\Models'   # directory to save script output
      namespace: '{Project.Namespace}.Domain.Models'  
      baseClass: ModelSampleBase
      overwrite: true                                  # overwrite existing file
      merge: true                                      # merge regions with existing file