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Command Line Reference

Entity Framework Core Generator has the following commands

Initialize Command

The initialize command is used to create the configuration yaml file and optionally set the connection string. The configuration file has many options to configure the generated output. See the configuration file documentation for more details.

Usage: efg initialize [options]

  --help                   Show help information
  -p <Provider>            Database provider to reverse engineer
  -c <ConnectionString>    Database connection string to reverse engineer
  --id <UserSecretsId>     The user secret ID to use.
  --name <ConnectionName>  The user secret configuration name.
  -d <directory>           The root working directory
  -f <file>                The options file name


efg initialize -c "Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=Tracker;Integrated Security=True"

Generate Command

The generate command creates source code files from a database schema. Running the command without any options will generate based on the configuration yaml file settings. Options pass via command line override values in the configuration yaml file.

Usage: efg generate [options]

  --help                 Show help information
  -p <Provider>          Database provider to reverse engineer
  -c <ConnectionString>  Database connection string to reverse engineer
  --extensions           Include query extensions in generation
  --models               Include view models in generation
  --mapper               Include object mapper in generation
  --validator            Include model validation in generation
  -d <directory>         The root working directory
  -f <file>              The options file name


efg generate